Archive for April, 2012

Super folder Ethan’s cover yoda

SF Dontay joins the Fortune Wookiee League!

Sf Stevie finds Instrux for anakin

SF Chad’s Instrux for Tom’s C-3po! Stooky!!

A million people have asked for these instrux! Chad made them, Stevie found them, here they are…

SF Megan/Phreds Jodie O’Rodeo hat and contest entry!!!!

Super Folder Nick the Badger’s Felt-I-gami Yoda!

Origami Ben 10! By SF Peyton!

Tom’s back! Spoilers are gone! Everybody’s happy! (I hope!)

Hi SuperFolders!
Whew! You guys had a wild time here while I was gone!!!
Webmaster Sam is going to need ANOTHER vacation now!

Well, here’s the good news:

The Major Heavy-Duty Spoilers are gone from the site and the SuperFolder that posted them has contacted me and apologized. It was all a misunderstanding. He didn’t know that I had posted those things accidentally and was desperately trying to keep them off the Web. Now he does and everything is cool! He’s a good guy and still one of our top SuperFolders! No reason to be a Harvey to him about it!

I’d like to thank Webmaster Sam, SF Xarl, SF JC, SF OscarU AND SF Artoo and everyone else who helped put a lid on this thing. Especially SF Peyton aka Luke100, who heroically removed the actual post!!!! It was all taken care of before my plane landed last night!

Now…. IF you read the secret document…. try to forget it…. don’t drop a bunch of hints and spoilers in the comments and please, please, please…. don’t repost it!

Now, let’s get back to folding, drawing and arguing about whether Webmaster Sam is real or not…

SuperFolder Ian’s Origami Darth Sidius

SuperFolder Firk’s Darth book mark and GIANT NINJA STAR!!!!!!!